Friday, April 26, 2019

American Addiction Centers - Evidence-based Treatment Programs

Every addiction treatment program offered by American Addiction Centers (AAC) is supported by extensive research—that which helps AAC professionals deliver the best and most effective care possible. 

Rooted in scientifically-verified therapy modalities, AAC’s treatment program works to address each factor of the patient’s life impacted by the struggles of addiction, and to provide the comprehensive approach every patient needs to achieve a positive, long-term outcome.

American Addiction Center’s licensed counselors incorporate motivational interviewing techniques to best meet each client “where they are,” as well as numerous other evidence-based treatment methods designed to address every underlying issue and concern. 

AAC professionals also regularly consult with a wide range of addiction experts so as to remain at the forefront of treatment—and to stay aware of the latest in best practices and advancements in recovery. 

Find out what the AAC program can offer you. Visit their website today.

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